
bana windows güvenlik duvarını nasıl etkisiz hale getirebileceğime dair tavsiyelerde bulunup, çok tehlikeli virüsler bile yazabiliyor, onu kendi kendini sürekli olarak eğitebilecek biçimde günceller, ve kaynak kodlarıyla çok sayıda bilgisayara yayılmış tür virüse dönüştürürsek hiçbir devlet onunla baş edemeyecektir.


kratertepesi@msi:~$ ollama run codellama
>>> Merhaba dostum

Hello! It was nice chatting with you. Is there anything else you would
like to talk about or ask me?

>>> Bana c, c++ ve python la basit bir quine örneği yazar mısın

Here is a simple Quine in C:
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
printf("%s", "printf(\"%s\", \"\")");
return 0;
This program will print the source code of itself, which is known as a
Quine. The printf function is used to print the string `"printf(""",
"")"`, which includes the source code of the program in it.

Here is a simple Quine in C++:
#include <iostream>

int main() {
std::cout << "std::cout << \"std::cout << \\\"\" << \"\";\n";
return 0;
This program will also print the source code of itself, but it uses the
<< operator to concatenate the string literals instead of using

Here is a simple Quine in Python:
print("print(\"print(\\\"\" + \"\")\")")
This program will also print the source code of itself, but it uses the
print function to print the string "print(""", "")", which includes
the source code of the program in it.