
oscar ödülleri

oscar'ın en iyi filmleri...

1990'dan bu yana:

1990 - dances with wolves (kurtlarla dans)

1991 - the silence of the lambs (kuzuların sessizliği)

1992 - unforgiven (unutulmayan)

1993 - schindler's list

1994 - forrest gump

1995 - braveheart

1996 - the english patient

1997 - titanic

1998 - shakespeare in love

1999 - american beauty

2000 - gladiator

2001 - a beautiful mind

2002 - chicago

2003 - the lord of the rings: the return of the king

2004 - million dollar baby

2005 - crash

2006 - the departed

2007 - no country for old men

2008 - slumdog millionaire

2009 - the hurt locker

2010 - the king's speech

Kaynak: http://www.filmsite.org/bestpics4.html