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- iyi insan11
mükemmel bir yazı olmuş. geç gördüğüme üzülsem de, "ulema" açıklamasıyla oluşan durumu çok zevkli bir şekilde ifade etmiş burak bekdil. oldukça enfes buldum - barbekü soslu kebabı değil, yazıyı.
kaldı ki türk yemeklerinde ketçap ve mayonez kullanmam, hele hardal'a hiç elimi sürmem çünkü yakışmaz, çünkü adi bir tada sahip olur.
işte bekdil bu vazgeçemeyeceğimiz noktadan vuruyor: akp'nin tadı kaçık! baharatlar özensiz!
"Last week, pieces of the AKP's cheap "kebab" surfaced once again as its sauce from time to time fails to cover an overdose of "halal" meat it is supposed to cover
Don't get the analogy wrong! The House of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) looks so much like a "halal" kebab with a fine American barbecue sauce on top. This is not to suggest kebab is not a nice dish -- on the contrary, I personally love it -- rather, this is meant to suggest that that dish is not what the chef tells us it is: Smooth, marinated slices of fine lamb meat cooked on charcoal and finished with an all-American barbecue sauce. No, it's just kebab!
The dominant AKP ideology is "Islam" covered with a touch of liberal ideas. And the "grand chef" has been telling us it's just a healthy, digestive blend of conservatism and liberalism (the "liberalism" part is true for market-friendly economic management). It is a good thing, that dish has been selling both at home and abroad to crowds of voluntary guests at a chain of eateries for different reasons. After all, restaurant-goers are free to fantasize about what they choose to eat."
bu eğlenceli ama leziz olmayan yemek tarifi devam ediyor!
'two more ingredients pop up:
Last week, the pieces of cheap "kebab" surfaced once again as the sauce from time to time fails to cover an overdose of "halal" meat it is supposed to cover. This is the same situation I once referred to as "Pure, 100 percent honest Mr. (Prime Minister Recep Tayyip) Erdoğan." But these two more "kebab ingredients" also popped up.
Most Turks knew Cüneyd Zapsu, Erdoğan's chief advisor until very recently, by his famous remarks to Washington officials a couple of years earlier: "Don't try to throw this man (Erdoğan) down the drain, just use him!" As he quit his position as the premier's chief advisor last week (apparently Zapsu retains his party jobs) he made another remark that the Turks will probably not forget any time soon: 'telling a girl to take off her headscarf (on campuses) is tantamount to telling a woman to take off her underwear!" Well, by the same logic, can we now conclude that when the Islamic turban will be allowed on campuses, nude female students will also be allowed?
But Zapsu is not the only colorful figure among the prime minister's men. Professor Ali Bardakoğlu, president of Diyanet, the government's religious authority, has issued a fatwa very similar to the one Erdoğan issued a few years earlier.
In 2005, Erdoğan said that the European Court of Human Rights should have taken the opinion of the ulema, or Islamic scholars, before it ruled that the campus ban on the Islamic turban did not constitute a violation of civil rights. Erdoğan's fatwa read, 'the European court has no right to rule on the headscarf; and that that right belonged to the religious (Islamic) ulema." It was then that Erdoğan's European Union fans learned how ignorant their top judges could be.
Last week, Professor Bardakoğlu applied the same logical perspective to a ruling from a local administrative court. The man who oversees religious affairs said the European court's verdict was "wrong and lacked knowledge and wisdom." Similarly, he said, the Council of State should have "asked for Dinayet's opinion" before ruling that religious classes could not be compulsory -- the ruling was made on the grounds that religious classes only taught pupils Sunni Islam and its rituals, even though these classes are meant to be universal teachings on all faiths."
e artık gerisini de sayfadan okursunuz ufaklıklar!
kaldı ki türk yemeklerinde ketçap ve mayonez kullanmam, hele hardal'a hiç elimi sürmem çünkü yakışmaz, çünkü adi bir tada sahip olur.
işte bekdil bu vazgeçemeyeceğimiz noktadan vuruyor: akp'nin tadı kaçık! baharatlar özensiz!
"Last week, pieces of the AKP's cheap "kebab" surfaced once again as its sauce from time to time fails to cover an overdose of "halal" meat it is supposed to cover
Don't get the analogy wrong! The House of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) looks so much like a "halal" kebab with a fine American barbecue sauce on top. This is not to suggest kebab is not a nice dish -- on the contrary, I personally love it -- rather, this is meant to suggest that that dish is not what the chef tells us it is: Smooth, marinated slices of fine lamb meat cooked on charcoal and finished with an all-American barbecue sauce. No, it's just kebab!
The dominant AKP ideology is "Islam" covered with a touch of liberal ideas. And the "grand chef" has been telling us it's just a healthy, digestive blend of conservatism and liberalism (the "liberalism" part is true for market-friendly economic management). It is a good thing, that dish has been selling both at home and abroad to crowds of voluntary guests at a chain of eateries for different reasons. After all, restaurant-goers are free to fantasize about what they choose to eat."
bu eğlenceli ama leziz olmayan yemek tarifi devam ediyor!
'two more ingredients pop up:
Last week, the pieces of cheap "kebab" surfaced once again as the sauce from time to time fails to cover an overdose of "halal" meat it is supposed to cover. This is the same situation I once referred to as "Pure, 100 percent honest Mr. (Prime Minister Recep Tayyip) Erdoğan." But these two more "kebab ingredients" also popped up.
Most Turks knew Cüneyd Zapsu, Erdoğan's chief advisor until very recently, by his famous remarks to Washington officials a couple of years earlier: "Don't try to throw this man (Erdoğan) down the drain, just use him!" As he quit his position as the premier's chief advisor last week (apparently Zapsu retains his party jobs) he made another remark that the Turks will probably not forget any time soon: 'telling a girl to take off her headscarf (on campuses) is tantamount to telling a woman to take off her underwear!" Well, by the same logic, can we now conclude that when the Islamic turban will be allowed on campuses, nude female students will also be allowed?
But Zapsu is not the only colorful figure among the prime minister's men. Professor Ali Bardakoğlu, president of Diyanet, the government's religious authority, has issued a fatwa very similar to the one Erdoğan issued a few years earlier.
In 2005, Erdoğan said that the European Court of Human Rights should have taken the opinion of the ulema, or Islamic scholars, before it ruled that the campus ban on the Islamic turban did not constitute a violation of civil rights. Erdoğan's fatwa read, 'the European court has no right to rule on the headscarf; and that that right belonged to the religious (Islamic) ulema." It was then that Erdoğan's European Union fans learned how ignorant their top judges could be.
Last week, Professor Bardakoğlu applied the same logical perspective to a ruling from a local administrative court. The man who oversees religious affairs said the European court's verdict was "wrong and lacked knowledge and wisdom." Similarly, he said, the Council of State should have "asked for Dinayet's opinion" before ruling that religious classes could not be compulsory -- the ruling was made on the grounds that religious classes only taught pupils Sunni Islam and its rituals, even though these classes are meant to be universal teachings on all faiths."
e artık gerisini de sayfadan okursunuz ufaklıklar!
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