- ayakkabı16
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- küresel ıkınma31
- aykolik bugün nereyi gezdi sorunsalı15
- oruç sizin orada kaçta8
- çok mutluyum9
- geniş kalçalı kadın13
- pkk bittiyse dem parti niye seviniyor13
- araba17
- sansyoklan'ın küçümsediği meslekler15
- ismet gurbuz 202411
- yeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeer12
- kızların süper mini etek giyme sebebi24
- 28 şubat 2025 oval ofis'teki ukrayna tartışması13
- müslüman jipe biniyor diye kuduran tüsiadçı15
- sansyoklan abiyle barışmak14
- sansyoklan aykolik buluşması9
- pkk silah bıraktı21
- pkk'nın fesh edilmesi38
- üstteki yazar tarzında entry gir8
- sahurdayız uludağ sözlük36
- audi8
- uludağ sözlük 2025 hataları14
- evlenirken 10 tane adana burması isterim diyen kız12
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- ismeti banlayacak bir moderatör10
- mercedes benz9
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- vw11
- ismet çaylak olana kadar sözlüğe girmiyorum16
- bugün seçim olsa kime oy verirsiniz19
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- ayran da var11
- sözlük yazarlarının vasıfları8
- anayasadan türklük çıkarılmalı diyen aktroll51
- ismet bu siktiğimin ilçeleri ne zaman bitecek17
- geldi yine deli9
- dolar11
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- kuran okumayıp nutuk okuyan tip14
- depo ve sevkiyat kıdemli uzmanı8
- özel güvenlik olma şartları11
- nervio10
- seks esnasında erkeğinin götünü parmaklayan kız9
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- kalın bacaklı kızlar11
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- sözlükte aktrollerin artması10
- 27 şubat 2025 öcalan'ın açıklamaları31
(bkz: deathstars) (bkz: termination bliss)
Guns and ammo lie in front of you
The clips are all loades, now that shall you do?
This is how it starts
When the end slows wildly in the dark
This is how it starts
When the last breath ends the last speak
Nine, nine, nine!
The last ammunition
Let the clips fall down
The last ammunition
And fall to the ground
The Desert Eagle spreads its wings for you
Kiss the cold steel
Than let the bullets come through
This is the ultimate and,
I'll make it sure that you will see
As I shall kiss the cold steel
And see how dark this day really can be
Bite the blank steel
Now let the bullet come through
The silver eagle says it's time to...
"Shoot the last ammunition"
Come one and do it now
"Shoot the last ammunition"
I'm going to show you how!
This is how it must end,
So bright shines the pistols
This is how I'll feel
When the last clip is falling
And the barrets are glowing tonight...
Guns and ammo lie in front of you
The clips are all loades, now that shall you do?
This is how it starts
When the end slows wildly in the dark
This is how it starts
When the last breath ends the last speak
Nine, nine, nine!
The last ammunition
Let the clips fall down
The last ammunition
And fall to the ground
The Desert Eagle spreads its wings for you
Kiss the cold steel
Than let the bullets come through
This is the ultimate and,
I'll make it sure that you will see
As I shall kiss the cold steel
And see how dark this day really can be
Bite the blank steel
Now let the bullet come through
The silver eagle says it's time to...
"Shoot the last ammunition"
Come one and do it now
"Shoot the last ammunition"
I'm going to show you how!
This is how it must end,
So bright shines the pistols
This is how I'll feel
When the last clip is falling
And the barrets are glowing tonight...
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