
wikileaks org

erdoğan'ın isviçre bankalarında 8 hesabı var diyen site.

(bkz: günahı boynuna)

aha da link :[http://cablegate.wikileak...2004/12/04ANKARA7211.html]

aha da metin :
AKP swept to power by promising
to root out corruption. However, in increasing numbers AKPers from ministers on down, and people close to the party, are telling us of conflicts of interest or serious corruption in the party at the national, provincial and local level and among close family members of ministers. We have heard from two contacts that Erdogan has eight accounts in Swiss banks; his explanations that his wealth comes from the wedding presents guests gave his son and that a Turkish businessman is paying the educational expenses of all four Erdogan children in the U.S. purely altruistically are lame.