- cadılık eğitimi almak23
- sözlük yazarlarının 2053 yılı hedefleri15
- aykolik sürekli nereye gidiyor18
- v a m p i r o v8
- başıboş köpek sorunu9
- mhp'nin başına apo geçse olası mhp'li yorumları9
- rüzgar esse cehape demek9
- küresel ıkınma19
- ulu önder öcalan8
- instagramı facebooku twitteri olmayan erkek8
- pkk'nın kurucu önderi10
- perva sozlük9
- tesettürümle ak parti den chp'ye geçtim11
- ölünce ne olacak17
- anın görüntüsü12
- kızlara yürümeme taktikleri9
- kızlara yürüme taktikleri18
- 199911
- atatürkün cenazesinde bulunan nazi subayları13
- sahurdayız uludağ sözlük20
- müzisyen biriyle sevgili olur musunuz18
- bu yaz hayata geçirilecek planlar22
- targeted individuals12
- türk rock müziği13
- küfürlü konuşan kadın10
- 40 numara ayakkabı giyen kadın10
- bir sözlük kadını ile kahve içmek11
- arkadaşlar neden entry girmiyorsunuz14
- en güzel yaş18
- kola vs ayran10
- aykolik bugün nereyi gezdi sorunsalı11
- yazarların son yaptığı yemek11
- hayattan sıkılmak20
- the merich10
- en çok gıdık aldığın bölge11
- kızlar kıllı erkekleri sever mi23
- sahura uyandırayım mı diyip nude atan sözlük kızı10
- sahih hadis kitabı nereden bulunabilir16
- sevgilisi olduğu halde sözlükte takılan kişi11
- okan buruk'un hakemi tehdit ettiği iddiası10
- sıcak su torbası9
- suriye hükümetinin alevileri katletmesi22
- duygularla oynamak14
- ideal yaş farkı11
- kaşarlı pide vs kıymalı yumurtalı pide18
- an itibariyle yazarlarin yaptigi seyler28
- parası olan erkek her yaştan kadın alabilirmi12
- sunulan sevginin koşullara bağlı olması10
- kitap okumak10
- en son ne içtiniz17

entry'ler (166)
çok çok güzel bi albüm öncelikle. dinlemeye doyulamayan cinsten, ama albüme adını veren şarkı o kadar güzel bi şarkı ki anlatacak kelimeler bulamıyorum o derece muhteşem. sanki bi yerde-bi şehirde çok güzel zamanlar geçirdikten sonra mutlu bi şekilde ayrılıyormuş hissi veriyo şarkı bana. o günlerin bir daha gelmeyeceğinin farkında ama yaşadıklarından zerre pişmanlık duymayan, geride bıraktığı çok güzel anıları anımsayarak gülümseyen birinin duygu yoğunluğunu yansıtıyo sanki. şarkının sözleriyle çok alakalı diyemeyeceğim söylediklerimin ama bende uyandırdığı his bu şekilde. çok güzel ya.
i was raised up believing,
i was somehow unique
like a snowflake distinct among snowflakes,
unique in each way you can see.
and now after some thinking
i'd say i'd rather be
a functioning cog in some great machinery,
serving something beyond me.
but i don't, i don't know what that will be,
i'll get back to you someday soon you will see...
what's my name? what's my station?
oh, just tell me what i should do!
i don't need to be kind to the armies of night
that would do such injustice to you;
or bow down, and be grateful,
and say "sure take all that you see"
to the men who move only in dimly-lit halls
and determine my future for me...
and i don't, i don't know who to believe;
i'll get back to you someday soon you will see...
if i know only one thing,
it's that every thing that i see
of the world outside is so inconceivable
often i barely can speak...
yeah, i'm tongue tied and dizzy,
and i can't keep it to myself;
what good is it to sing helplessness blues?
why should i wait for anyone else?
and i know, i know you will keep me on the shelf,
i'll come back to you someday soon myself...
if i had an orchard,
i'd work till i'm raw...
if i had an orchard,
i'd work till i'm sore...
and you would wait tables,
and soon run the store...
gold hair in the sunlight,
my light in the dawn...
if i had an orchard,
i'd work till i'm sore...
if i had an orchard,
i'd work till i'm sore...
someday i'll be
like the man on the screen...
i was raised up believing,
i was somehow unique
like a snowflake distinct among snowflakes,
unique in each way you can see.
and now after some thinking
i'd say i'd rather be
a functioning cog in some great machinery,
serving something beyond me.
but i don't, i don't know what that will be,
i'll get back to you someday soon you will see...
what's my name? what's my station?
oh, just tell me what i should do!
i don't need to be kind to the armies of night
that would do such injustice to you;
or bow down, and be grateful,
and say "sure take all that you see"
to the men who move only in dimly-lit halls
and determine my future for me...
and i don't, i don't know who to believe;
i'll get back to you someday soon you will see...
if i know only one thing,
it's that every thing that i see
of the world outside is so inconceivable
often i barely can speak...
yeah, i'm tongue tied and dizzy,
and i can't keep it to myself;
what good is it to sing helplessness blues?
why should i wait for anyone else?
and i know, i know you will keep me on the shelf,
i'll come back to you someday soon myself...
if i had an orchard,
i'd work till i'm raw...
if i had an orchard,
i'd work till i'm sore...
and you would wait tables,
and soon run the store...
gold hair in the sunlight,
my light in the dawn...
if i had an orchard,
i'd work till i'm sore...
if i had an orchard,
i'd work till i'm sore...
someday i'll be
like the man on the screen...
burçlara inanmazlar bi de. paradoksun daniskası.
arkadaşımın şarkının adını "birisi senden hoşlanıyo" olarak çevirmesine rağmen başladığı andan itibaren insanın içine oturan über şarkı. o nası muhteşem bi ses yahu..
dünya üzerinde icra edilmiş en güzel şarkı. ötesi yok.
aksan muhteşem kesinlikle. evin içinde rampapapamrampapapam diye dört dönüyorum sabah akşam. nası bi dile dolanmadır bu şarkı anlamadım gitti.
yeah yeah yeahs şarkısı olanı muhteşemdir überdir süperdir. diğer runaway'leri de dinleyeceğim bi ara.
gittim gördüm geldim.
hayatımın en güzel gecelerinden biriydi, ses sistemi kötü olmasına rağmen, specialist veya stella was a diver and she was always down çalınmamasına rağmen, genel olarak seyircinin şarkılardan bihaber olup evil hariç hiçbir şarkıda eşlik etmemesine rağmen, çok çok güzel bir geceydi benim için. o encore neydi öyle o şarkıları alıp bu bizim konser diye koysan yine ben gayet mutlu ayrılırdım ordan, en kısa zamanda tekrar beklediğim gruplar arasına en üst sıradan giriş yaptınız süpersiniz on numarasınız.
hayatımın en güzel gecelerinden biriydi, ses sistemi kötü olmasına rağmen, specialist veya stella was a diver and she was always down çalınmamasına rağmen, genel olarak seyircinin şarkılardan bihaber olup evil hariç hiçbir şarkıda eşlik etmemesine rağmen, çok çok güzel bir geceydi benim için. o encore neydi öyle o şarkıları alıp bu bizim konser diye koysan yine ben gayet mutlu ayrılırdım ordan, en kısa zamanda tekrar beklediğim gruplar arasına en üst sıradan giriş yaptınız süpersiniz on numarasınız.
şurda kalmış 19-20 saat bişey, ve ben heyecandan yerimde duramıyorum. interpol geliyo laaaaayyyyyyyyyyynnnnnnnnnnn.
öyle bir konser işte bu.
öyle bir konser işte bu.
sonunda interpol'ün istanbul'umuza geleceği tarih.
(bkz: (#6302452))
2 sene geçmiş koca 2 sene.
ben hala başladığım yerde
susuyorum yine ve yine.
bana demiştin ya bi keresinde
"keşke farklı bi zamanda farklı bi yerde bulsaydık birbirimizi
ne güzel olmaz mıydı?"
aklımdan geçen binlerce düşünce
"iyi ki"lerimle
doğum gününde
sen nerde ben nerde..
doğum günün kutlu olsun paytak penguenim..
mutlu ol..
2 sene geçmiş koca 2 sene.
ben hala başladığım yerde
susuyorum yine ve yine.
bana demiştin ya bi keresinde
"keşke farklı bi zamanda farklı bi yerde bulsaydık birbirimizi
ne güzel olmaz mıydı?"
aklımdan geçen binlerce düşünce
"iyi ki"lerimle
doğum gününde
sen nerde ben nerde..
doğum günün kutlu olsun paytak penguenim..
mutlu ol..
biletimi aldım beklemeye koyuldum. çok güzel olucak çoookk sokayım finallere de.
en güzel interpol şarkıları arasında başa oynar rahatlıkla. sözleri de şöyle:
you feel the plastics that seal your body
they wont stop this rain baby
i was your eye in the night when the prophets fell
i said it looks like your summer well
i want to stay magical
i want to stay young
i want to feel up on your life
i miss you but it looks like you summered well
all the while the protest will shine the same
but you will never notice
it's alright
i rely on the process the mind will frame
they will never take this free from me
it's alright
i miss you babe
i want you back
the signs we gave
weren't those signs supposed to last
the rainy days
the sun was back
the signs we gave
so what was that
we have ways to make the seasons touch these words
so let me take this
cover your eyes, or go
wait until it fades
all the while the protest will shine the same
but you will never notice
it's alright
i rely on the process the mind will frame
they will never take this free from me
it's alright
it's alright
it's alright
you feel the plastics that seal your body
they wont stop this rain baby
i was your eye in the night when the prophets fell
i said it looks like your summer well
i want to stay magical
i want to stay young
i want to feel up on your life
i miss you but it looks like you summered well
all the while the protest will shine the same
but you will never notice
it's alright
i rely on the process the mind will frame
they will never take this free from me
it's alright
i miss you babe
i want you back
the signs we gave
weren't those signs supposed to last
the rainy days
the sun was back
the signs we gave
so what was that
we have ways to make the seasons touch these words
so let me take this
cover your eyes, or go
wait until it fades
all the while the protest will shine the same
but you will never notice
it's alright
i rely on the process the mind will frame
they will never take this free from me
it's alright
it's alright
it's alright
açıköğretim tıp fakültesi gibi bişey. en azından ilk 3 sene öyle. sonrası karanlık zaten nerde olursan ol.
roberto carlos bacaklarına göre daha az dikkat çekendir bana kalırsa.
bi şarkıyı üst üste dinleme rekorunu bana kırdırması an meselesi. öyle bi şarkı işte.
işin daha bi ilginç olan tarafı böyle bir olay yaşadıktan sonra gelip bunu sözlükte anlatmaktır.
obstacle'ların ikincisi. birincisi kadar tutulmasa da güzel şarkıdır.
i'm gonna pull you in close gonna wrap you up tight
gonna play with the braids that you came here with tonight
i'm gonna hold your face and toast the snow that fell
because friends don't waste wine when there's words to sell
i feel like love is in the kitchen with a culinary eye
i think he's making something special and i'm smart enough to try
if you don't trust yourself for at least one minute each day
well you should trust in this girl cause loving is coming our way
if you can fix me up girl you'll go a long way
if you can fix me up girl you'll go a long way
i'll stand by all this drinking if it helps me through these days
(take my love in these small doses)
it takes a long time just to get this all straight
(take my love in these small doses)
i'll showcase on route 7 when i find the right place
(take my love in these small doses)
it takes a long time just to get this all straight
(take my love in these small doses)
in my mind
this is my free time
because friends don't waste wine when there's words to sell
if you can fix me up girl you'll go a long way
if you can fix me up girl you'll go a long way
i'll stand by all this drinking if it helps me through these days
(take my love in these small doses)
i've spent a long time corresponding in my own way
(take my love in these small doses)
i'll showcase on route 7 when i find the right place
(take my love in these small doses)
it takes a long time just to get this all straight
(take my love in these small doses)
in my mind
this is my free time
to break it all away
spend it all today
spend it all today
it took time then i found you
it took time then i found you
i'm gonna pull you in close gonna wrap you up tight
gonna play with the braids that you came here with tonight
i'm gonna hold your face and toast the snow that fell
because friends don't waste wine when there's words to sell
i feel like love is in the kitchen with a culinary eye
i think he's making something special and i'm smart enough to try
if you don't trust yourself for at least one minute each day
well you should trust in this girl cause loving is coming our way
if you can fix me up girl you'll go a long way
if you can fix me up girl you'll go a long way
i'll stand by all this drinking if it helps me through these days
(take my love in these small doses)
it takes a long time just to get this all straight
(take my love in these small doses)
i'll showcase on route 7 when i find the right place
(take my love in these small doses)
it takes a long time just to get this all straight
(take my love in these small doses)
in my mind
this is my free time
because friends don't waste wine when there's words to sell
if you can fix me up girl you'll go a long way
if you can fix me up girl you'll go a long way
i'll stand by all this drinking if it helps me through these days
(take my love in these small doses)
i've spent a long time corresponding in my own way
(take my love in these small doses)
i'll showcase on route 7 when i find the right place
(take my love in these small doses)
it takes a long time just to get this all straight
(take my love in these small doses)
in my mind
this is my free time
to break it all away
spend it all today
spend it all today
it took time then i found you
it took time then i found you
turn on the bright lights'tan bir interpol şarkısı.
i want your silent parts
the parts that the birds love
i know theres such a place
i had my back turned
you didnt realize im lonely
you lack the things
to which i relate
but i see no harm
come way come way come way
it s over
and 123
when im feeling lazy, it's probably because
im saving all my energy to pick up when you
move into my airspace
move into my airspace
somethings coming over me
i see you in the doorway
i cannot control the part of me that swells up when you
move into my airspace
move into my airspace
but each night
i bury my love around you
oh each night
i bury my love around you
you're linked to my innocence
this is a concept
this is a bracelet
this isnt no intervention
this is a concept
this is a bracelet
this isnt no intervention
this isn't you yet
what you thought was such a conquest
your hair is so pretty and red
baby, baby, you're really the best
can i get to this way, i think so
can i get to this way, i think so
can i get to this way? can i get to this way?
can i get to this way? can i get to this way?
we should take a trip now to see new places
i'm sick of this town and i've seen my faces change
we should take a trip to see new places
i'm sick of this town, i've seen my faces change
each night i bury my love around you
say hello, say hello to the angels
say hello, say hello to the angels
i want your silent parts
the parts that the birds love
i know theres such a place
i had my back turned
you didnt realize im lonely
you lack the things
to which i relate
but i see no harm
come way come way come way
it s over
and 123
when im feeling lazy, it's probably because
im saving all my energy to pick up when you
move into my airspace
move into my airspace
somethings coming over me
i see you in the doorway
i cannot control the part of me that swells up when you
move into my airspace
move into my airspace
but each night
i bury my love around you
oh each night
i bury my love around you
you're linked to my innocence
this is a concept
this is a bracelet
this isnt no intervention
this is a concept
this is a bracelet
this isnt no intervention
this isn't you yet
what you thought was such a conquest
your hair is so pretty and red
baby, baby, you're really the best
can i get to this way, i think so
can i get to this way, i think so
can i get to this way? can i get to this way?
can i get to this way? can i get to this way?
we should take a trip now to see new places
i'm sick of this town and i've seen my faces change
we should take a trip to see new places
i'm sick of this town, i've seen my faces change
each night i bury my love around you
say hello, say hello to the angels
say hello, say hello to the angels
turn on bright lights albümünün en can alıcılarından. dinledikçe daha bi güzelleşenlerinden.
when she walks down the street
she knows theres people watching
the building fronts are just fronts
to hide the people watching her
she once fell through the street
down the manhole in a that bad way
the underground drip
it's just like her scuba days
she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
she was all right but she can't come out tonight she broke away
she was all right yeah the sea was so tight, air-tight
she broke away broke away
she broke away broke away
she broke away broke away
she broke away
stella .
bottom of the ocean she dwells
bottom of the ocean she dwells
from crevices carressed by fingers
and fat blue serpent swells
oh stella
stella i love you stella i love you stella i love you
she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
she was all right but she can't come out tonight she broke away
she was all right yeah the sea was so tight, air-tight
she broke away broke away
she broke away broke away
she broke away broke away
she broke away
well she was my catatonic sex toy love-joy diver
well she was my catatonic sex toy love-joy diver
she went down down down there into the sea
she went down down down there down there for me
right on
oh yeah
right on
its so good
oh yeah
right on
its so good
oh yeah
there's something that's invisible
there's some things you can't hide
try to detect you when i'm sleeping
in a wave you say goodbye
when she walks down the street
she knows theres people watching
the building fronts are just fronts
to hide the people watching her
she once fell through the street
down the manhole in a that bad way
the underground drip
it's just like her scuba days
she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
she was all right but she can't come out tonight she broke away
she was all right yeah the sea was so tight, air-tight
she broke away broke away
she broke away broke away
she broke away broke away
she broke away
stella .
bottom of the ocean she dwells
bottom of the ocean she dwells
from crevices carressed by fingers
and fat blue serpent swells
oh stella
stella i love you stella i love you stella i love you
she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
she was all right cause the sea was so airtight she broke away
she was all right but she can't come out tonight she broke away
she was all right yeah the sea was so tight, air-tight
she broke away broke away
she broke away broke away
she broke away broke away
she broke away
well she was my catatonic sex toy love-joy diver
well she was my catatonic sex toy love-joy diver
she went down down down there into the sea
she went down down down there down there for me
right on
oh yeah
right on
its so good
oh yeah
right on
its so good
oh yeah
there's something that's invisible
there's some things you can't hide
try to detect you when i'm sleeping
in a wave you say goodbye
şahane bir interpol şarkısı.
will you put my hands away?
will you be my man?
serve it up, don't wait
let's see about this ham
oh, what happened?
oh, what happened?
home spun desperation's knowing
inside your cover's always blown
will you put my hands away?
will you be my man?
serve it up, don't wait
let's see about this ham
oh, what happened?
oh, what happened?
home spun desperation's knowing
inside your cover's always blown