
only an ocean

Round about now my baby's weeping
Round about now my baby's gone
I'm not sure what I'm achieving
When im a long long distance from home

She wants a wedding ring, I want a Fender
She wants a wedding in Spain
When you've got a woman that loves you
Then that's the name of the game

Babe, babe please believe me
When I say I won't be long
I'm just across a river
Only an oceans drive away

Hurry now time, I don't have the patience
To watch your time ease on down
Catch me a time, that's everlasting
My baby's love ain't keeping me around

Babe, babe please believe me when I say I won't be long
I'm just across the river, only an oceans drive away

Şeklinde sözleri bulunan, adamı fenaca duygu seline kaptıran üstüne üstlük bir fender stratocasterdan alınabilecek en şahane tonlardan bazılarını içerisinde bulunduran şahane ötesi bir dan patlansky şaheseridir. Benim gibi odun bir adamı dahi çok çok uzaklara götürmüştür. Dinleyiniz dinlettiriniz efenim...

Edit : http://www.youtube.com/wa...?v=a0xaO5AJRsc&sns=tw