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- akp gidince irtica bitecek mi16
- derdini kimseyle paylaşmayan insan9
my arms your hearse albümünden bir opeth şarkısı.
red sun rising somewhere through the dense fog.
the portrait of the jaded dawn who had seen it all before.
this day wept on my shoulders.
still the same as yesterday.
this path seems endless, body is numb.
the soul has lost its flame.
walking in familiar traces to find my way back home.
so there i was.
within the sobriety of the immortals.
a semblance of supernatural winds passing through.
the garden sighs, flowers die.
the gate was closed that day, but i was bound to carry on.
she could not see me through the windows.
in dismay, strangest twist upon her lips.
graven face, she said my name.
once inside i heard whispers in the parlour.
the gilded faces grin, aware of my final demise.
and i cried, i knew she had lied.
her obsession had died, it had died.
when can i take you from this place?
when is the word but a sigh?
when is death our lone beholder?
when do we walk the final steps?
when can we scream instead of whisper?
when is the new beginning,
the end of this sad madrigal.
red sun rising somewhere through the dense fog.
the portrait of the jaded dawn who had seen it all before.
this day wept on my shoulders.
still the same as yesterday.
this path seems endless, body is numb.
the soul has lost its flame.
walking in familiar traces to find my way back home.
so there i was.
within the sobriety of the immortals.
a semblance of supernatural winds passing through.
the garden sighs, flowers die.
the gate was closed that day, but i was bound to carry on.
she could not see me through the windows.
in dismay, strangest twist upon her lips.
graven face, she said my name.
once inside i heard whispers in the parlour.
the gilded faces grin, aware of my final demise.
and i cried, i knew she had lied.
her obsession had died, it had died.
when can i take you from this place?
when is the word but a sigh?
when is death our lone beholder?
when do we walk the final steps?
when can we scream instead of whisper?
when is the new beginning,
the end of this sad madrigal.
ing. ne zaman.
2002 çıkışlı the world needs a hero albümünden megadeth şaheseri. değer bilmeyen sevgiliye kusulan kinin tepe noktası. sözleri;
no hears a word i say
and my prayers are never answered
but you'll never see the pain inside of me
stabbing me over and over and over
i trusted you and i loved you
and you spit back in my face
how could you do this to me?
when will you stop trying to hurt me?
i've walked a minefield for you
a career in hell with you
i have made it through the things
others would surely die just watching
and the oath i take on this day
is to know that you will be repaid
one day the the sun will die and the night will crawl
until then, until i see your world implode
i wish you death and suffering
misery to spare
time to release your pain
face the last enemy
i am the last thing you will know
the last thing you will see
i see your death surrounding me
i know you, yes i do
i know you
when no words are spoken and please are ignored
your tears go unnoticed, will you say enough?
when prayers are unanswered and your calls are unheard
the pain cuts right through you, have you seen enough?
it all seems so deceitful and the verdict is lies
a black cloud of indecision compromised your life
when judgement has failed you
when your own heart's impaled you
your wandering mind has destroyed you
will you ever know when?
when you give everything and the feeling is gone
all the giving is fake, did you fake enough?
when you take everything and you stay too long
when there's nothing left, did you take enough?
it all seems so deceitful and the verdict is lies
a black cloud of indecision compromised your life
when judgement has failed you
when your own heart's impaled you
your wandering mind has destroyed you
will you ever know when?
no hears a word i say
and my prayers are never answered
but you'll never see the pain inside of me
stabbing me over and over and over
i trusted you and i loved you
and you spit back in my face
how could you do this to me?
when will you stop trying to hurt me?
i've walked a minefield for you
a career in hell with you
i have made it through the things
others would surely die just watching
and the oath i take on this day
is to know that you will be repaid
one day the the sun will die and the night will crawl
until then, until i see your world implode
i wish you death and suffering
misery to spare
time to release your pain
face the last enemy
i am the last thing you will know
the last thing you will see
i see your death surrounding me
i know you, yes i do
i know you
when no words are spoken and please are ignored
your tears go unnoticed, will you say enough?
when prayers are unanswered and your calls are unheard
the pain cuts right through you, have you seen enough?
it all seems so deceitful and the verdict is lies
a black cloud of indecision compromised your life
when judgement has failed you
when your own heart's impaled you
your wandering mind has destroyed you
will you ever know when?
when you give everything and the feeling is gone
all the giving is fake, did you fake enough?
when you take everything and you stay too long
when there's nothing left, did you take enough?
it all seems so deceitful and the verdict is lies
a black cloud of indecision compromised your life
when judgement has failed you
when your own heart's impaled you
your wandering mind has destroyed you
will you ever know when?
hafiften am i evil'a benzeyen megadeth şarkısı.
opeth'in baba sarkilarindan biri, icindeki solo ve ortalarindaki gaz kisim lezizdir. tekrar tekrar dinletir kendini.
introsuyla the call of kthulu yu anımsatan bir megadeth şaheseri. ortasından itibaren am ı evil e dönüşüyor. galiba mustaine metallica daki rifflerini,sololarını megadeth e de taşımak istemiş.
kızıl güneş doğuyor bir yerde yoğun sisin içinden
yorgun şafağın portresi bunu çoktan görmüş olan
bu gün yağdı omuzlarıma
hala dün gibi aynı
bu yol sonsuz görünür,vücut hissizdir
ruh alevini kaybetmiştir
evime dönmeye çalışıyordum tanıdık izlerden yürürken
işte oradaydım
ölümsüzlerin ağırbaşlılığı içinde
doğaüstü rüzgarların bir sureti eser
bahçe iç çeker,çiçekler vefat eder
kapı o gün kapalıydı,ama ben devam etmeliydim
o göremiyordu beni pencerinin içinden
umutsuzluk içinde,en garip cilve dudaklarındaki
oyma surat,taktı adımı o
bir kere salondaki fısıltıları duydum mu
yaldızlı yüz sırıttı,son ölümümden haberdar olarak
ve haykırdım,yalan söylediğini biliyordum
saplantısı ölmüştü,ölmüştü
ne zaman götürebilirim seni buradan?
ne zaman bir söz bir iç çekiştir?
ne zaman ölüm yalnız izleyicimizdir?
ne zaman çıkarız son basamakları?
ne zaman fısıldamak yerine çığlık atarız?
ne zaman yeni bir başlangıç,
bu kederli gazelin sonu?
yorgun şafağın portresi bunu çoktan görmüş olan
bu gün yağdı omuzlarıma
hala dün gibi aynı
bu yol sonsuz görünür,vücut hissizdir
ruh alevini kaybetmiştir
evime dönmeye çalışıyordum tanıdık izlerden yürürken
işte oradaydım
ölümsüzlerin ağırbaşlılığı içinde
doğaüstü rüzgarların bir sureti eser
bahçe iç çeker,çiçekler vefat eder
kapı o gün kapalıydı,ama ben devam etmeliydim
o göremiyordu beni pencerinin içinden
umutsuzluk içinde,en garip cilve dudaklarındaki
oyma surat,taktı adımı o
bir kere salondaki fısıltıları duydum mu
yaldızlı yüz sırıttı,son ölümümden haberdar olarak
ve haykırdım,yalan söylediğini biliyordum
saplantısı ölmüştü,ölmüştü
ne zaman götürebilirim seni buradan?
ne zaman bir söz bir iç çekiştir?
ne zaman ölüm yalnız izleyicimizdir?
ne zaman çıkarız son basamakları?
ne zaman fısıldamak yerine çığlık atarız?
ne zaman yeni bir başlangıç,
bu kederli gazelin sonu?
Am i evil ve introsuyla da the call of ktulu cakmasi olan megadeth sarkisi.
bir o peth ürünü..
ingilizce: "... durumda"
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