- pkk silah bıraktı21
- 28 şubat 2025 oval ofis'teki ukrayna tartışması9
- sansyoklan abiyle barışmak8
- küresel ıkınma25
- ismet gurbuz 20249
- pkk bittiyse dem parti niye seviniyor8
- pkk'nın fesh edilmesi38
- üstteki yazar tarzında entry gir8
- sahurdayız uludağ sözlük36
- audi8
- uludağ sözlük 2025 hataları16
- evlenirken 10 tane adana burması isterim diyen kız12
- anın görüntüsü13
- ismeti banlayacak bir moderatör10
- mercedes benz9
- araba16
- volkswagen15
- vw11
- ismet çaylak olana kadar sözlüğe girmiyorum16
- bugün seçim olsa kime oy verirsiniz19
- ulusözlük yazarlarından ismet gürbüz'e tavsiyeler9
- ayran da var11
- sözlük yazarlarının vasıfları8
- anayasadan türklük çıkarılmalı diyen aktroll51
- ismet bu siktiğimin ilçeleri ne zaman bitecek17
- geldi yine deli11
- dolar11
- ülkücüler bu ülkenin bel kemiğidir17
- kuran okumayıp nutuk okuyan tip14
- depo ve sevkiyat kıdemli uzmanı8
- müslüman jipe biniyor diye kuduran tüsiadçı13
- yeteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeer12
- özel güvenlik olma şartları11
- aykolik bugün nereyi gezdi sorunsalı13
- nervio10
- seks esnasında erkeğinin götünü parmaklayan kız9
- akp'nin baklayı ağzından çıkarmaya başlaması21
- kalın bacaklı kızlar11
- sözlük yazarlarının akşam yemekleri13
- imamoğlu'nun apo'nun çağrısına destek vermesi9
- sözlükte aktrollerin artması10
- 27 şubat 2025 öcalan'ın açıklamaları31
- mehtap yenge19
- akp mhp dem ortaklığı19
- trump'un erdoğan'ı desteklemesi9
- özgür özel10
- imamoğlu'nun diploma konusu27
- ümit özdağ9
- hem akp'li hem ırkçı olan insan modeli8
- yeni dünya düzenine yön verecek 4 lider8
eski gitar tonlarının hoşluğunu barındıran oasis parçası.
sözleri şöyledir:
Some might say that sunshine follows thunder
Go and tell it to the man who cannot shine
Some might say that we should never ponder
On our thoughts today cos they will sway over time
Some might say we will find a brighter day
Some might say we will find a brighter day
Cos I've been standing at the station
In need of education in the rain
You made no preparation for my reputation once again
The sink is full of fishes
She's got dirty dishes on the brain
It was overflowing gently but it's all elementary my friend
Some might say they don't believe in heaven
Go and tell it to the man who lives in hell
Some might say you get what you've been given
If you don't get yours I won't get mine as well
Some might say we will find a brighter day
Some might say we will find a brighter day
Cos I've been standing at the station
In need of education in the rain
You made no preparation for my reputation once again
The sink is full of fishes
Cos she's got dirty dishes on the brain
And my dog's been itchin'
Itchin' in the kitchen once again
Some might say
Some might say
Some might say
Some might say
sözleri şöyledir:
Some might say that sunshine follows thunder
Go and tell it to the man who cannot shine
Some might say that we should never ponder
On our thoughts today cos they will sway over time
Some might say we will find a brighter day
Some might say we will find a brighter day
Cos I've been standing at the station
In need of education in the rain
You made no preparation for my reputation once again
The sink is full of fishes
She's got dirty dishes on the brain
It was overflowing gently but it's all elementary my friend
Some might say they don't believe in heaven
Go and tell it to the man who lives in hell
Some might say you get what you've been given
If you don't get yours I won't get mine as well
Some might say we will find a brighter day
Some might say we will find a brighter day
Cos I've been standing at the station
In need of education in the rain
You made no preparation for my reputation once again
The sink is full of fishes
Cos she's got dirty dishes on the brain
And my dog's been itchin'
Itchin' in the kitchen once again
Some might say
Some might say
Some might say
Some might say
harika bir oasis şarkısı daha. tapılası.
güncel Önemli Başlıklar