- beklenen büyük istanbul depremi23
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- niye uyumuyorsunuz arkadaşlar11
- kadınların poposuna neden bakılır8
- 1 şubat 2025 akdeniz depremleri30
- ak parti'nin gücünü hafife alıyorsunuz18
- bana senden başkası haram diyen erkek10
- bir ilişkiyi kurtarmak9
- eskiden olup şimdi olmayan şeyler11
- depremi fazla önemsemek13
- gelmiş geçmiş en depresif şarkı19
- masklavi devlet memuruysa niye her an burada24
- namaz sonrası akp'nin yıkılması için dua etmek14
- türkiyede gıdanın aşırı kalitesiz ve pahalı olması8
- ak parti bitti11
- 3 şubat 2025 gaziantep fk galatasaray maçı40
- ebru gündeş'i dinlemek için 100 bin tl verirmsiniz13
- turabi tarzı erkeklerden hoşlanmak8
- galatasaraylıların tutuşması18
- akıllı telefona en fazla ne kadar para verirsiniz8
- bir yazarla buluşmak için 2 5 saat yol gitmek9
- istanbulda ayı yağı satmaya gelmek16
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- giresun'dan adana'ya gidip kız kaçırmak12
- götten hiç yemeyip gayliğe karşı olmak15
- sik beni tonu15
- balıkçı klitoris11
- tüm müslümanlar kur an'ı okusa8
- iktidar değişirse yaşanacak rezillikler11
- abdülkerim bardakçı32
- ibneler sabah uyanınca ne yapıyor sorunsalı9
- kur an da mehdi diye bir şey geçmemesi13
- simite zam yapanlara soruşturma başlatmak11
- sevgilisi için yanında ped taşıyan erkek23
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- kur an'ın yarattığı devrimler8
- bir lahmacunla doyan erkek9
- 22 yaş sendromu9
- vücudunuz ne kadar esnek22
- insan olmaya ceyrek kala12
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- sözlük yazarlarının penis boyu ölçüleri10
arctic monkeys - whatever people say i am, that's what i m not albümünün 8.parçası. sözler:
Ask if we can have six in
If not we'll have to have two
Well you're coming up at our end aren't you
So I'll get one with you
Oh, won't he let us have six in
Especially not with the food
He could have just told us no though
He didn't have to be rude
You see her with the green dress?
She talked to me at the bar
How come it's already two pound fifty?
We've only gone about a yard
Didn't you see she were gorgeous
She were beyond belief
But this lad at the side drinking a Smirnoff Ice
Came and paid for her Tropical Reef
But I'm sitting going backwards
And I didn't want to leave
I said it's Shire Green mate
Via Hillsborough please
Well how funny were that sketch earlier
Up at that taxi rank
Oh no you woulda missed it,
I think it were when you went to the bank
These two lads, squaring up, proper shouting
About who was next in the queue
The kind of thing that would seem so silly
But not when they've both had a few
Well calm down, temper, temper
You shouldn't get so annoyed
You're acting like a silly little boy
And they wanted to be men
And do some fighting in the street
(They said) no surrender
No chance of retreat
And so why are we in the taxi?
'Cause I didn't want to leave
I said it's Shire Green mate
Via Hillsborough please
Drunken plots hatched to jump it, ask around are ya sure?
Went for it but the red light was showing
And the red light indicates doors are secured
Ask if we can have six in
If not we'll have to have two
Well you're coming up at our end aren't you
So I'll get one with you
Oh, won't he let us have six in
Especially not with the food
He could have just told us no though
He didn't have to be rude
You see her with the green dress?
She talked to me at the bar
How come it's already two pound fifty?
We've only gone about a yard
Didn't you see she were gorgeous
She were beyond belief
But this lad at the side drinking a Smirnoff Ice
Came and paid for her Tropical Reef
But I'm sitting going backwards
And I didn't want to leave
I said it's Shire Green mate
Via Hillsborough please
Well how funny were that sketch earlier
Up at that taxi rank
Oh no you woulda missed it,
I think it were when you went to the bank
These two lads, squaring up, proper shouting
About who was next in the queue
The kind of thing that would seem so silly
But not when they've both had a few
Well calm down, temper, temper
You shouldn't get so annoyed
You're acting like a silly little boy
And they wanted to be men
And do some fighting in the street
(They said) no surrender
No chance of retreat
And so why are we in the taxi?
'Cause I didn't want to leave
I said it's Shire Green mate
Via Hillsborough please
Drunken plots hatched to jump it, ask around are ya sure?
Went for it but the red light was showing
And the red light indicates doors are secured
mustafa sandal yazsa yıllarca dalga geçilecek sözlere sahip şarkı. tamam çok güzel melodi de sözler çok saçma.
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