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bir the cure albümü ve şarkısı...
oh i miss the kiss of treachery
the shameless kiss of vanity
the soft and the black and the velvety
up tight against the side of me
and mouth and eyes and heart all bleed
and run in thickening streams of greed
as bit by bit it starts the need
to just let go
my party piece
oh i miss the kiss of treachery
the aching kiss before i feed
the stench of a love for a younger meat
and the sound that it makes
when it cuts in deep
the holding up on bended knees
the addiction of duplicities
as bit by bit it starts the need
to just let go
my party piece
but i never said i would stay to the end
so i leave you with babies and hoping for frequency
screaming like this in the hope of the secrecy
screaming me over and over and over
i leave you with photographs
pictures of trickery
stains on the carpet and
stains on the scenery
songs about happiness murmured in dreams
when we both us knew
how the ending would be...
so it's all come back round to breaking apart again
breaking apart like i'm made up of glass again
making it up behind my back again
holding my breath for the fear of sleep again
holding it up behind my head again
cut in deep to the heart of the bone again
round and round and round
and it's coming apart again
over and over and over
now that i know that i'm breaking to pieces
i'll pull out my heart
and i'll feed it to anyone
crying for sympathy
crocodiles cry for the love of the crowd
and the three cheers from everyone
dropping through sky
through the glass of the roof
through the roof of your mouth
through the mouth of your eye
through the eye of the needle
it's easier for me to get closer to heaven
than ever feel whole again
i never said i would stay to the end
i knew i would leave you with babies and everything
screaming like this in the hole of sincerity
screaming me over and over and over
i leave you with photographs
pictures of trickery
stains on the carpet and
stains on the memory
songs about happiness murmured in dreams
when we both of us knew
how the end always is
how the end always is...
oh i miss the kiss of treachery
the shameless kiss of vanity
the soft and the black and the velvety
up tight against the side of me
and mouth and eyes and heart all bleed
and run in thickening streams of greed
as bit by bit it starts the need
to just let go
my party piece
oh i miss the kiss of treachery
the aching kiss before i feed
the stench of a love for a younger meat
and the sound that it makes
when it cuts in deep
the holding up on bended knees
the addiction of duplicities
as bit by bit it starts the need
to just let go
my party piece
but i never said i would stay to the end
so i leave you with babies and hoping for frequency
screaming like this in the hope of the secrecy
screaming me over and over and over
i leave you with photographs
pictures of trickery
stains on the carpet and
stains on the scenery
songs about happiness murmured in dreams
when we both us knew
how the ending would be...
so it's all come back round to breaking apart again
breaking apart like i'm made up of glass again
making it up behind my back again
holding my breath for the fear of sleep again
holding it up behind my head again
cut in deep to the heart of the bone again
round and round and round
and it's coming apart again
over and over and over
now that i know that i'm breaking to pieces
i'll pull out my heart
and i'll feed it to anyone
crying for sympathy
crocodiles cry for the love of the crowd
and the three cheers from everyone
dropping through sky
through the glass of the roof
through the roof of your mouth
through the mouth of your eye
through the eye of the needle
it's easier for me to get closer to heaven
than ever feel whole again
i never said i would stay to the end
i knew i would leave you with babies and everything
screaming like this in the hole of sincerity
screaming me over and over and over
i leave you with photographs
pictures of trickery
stains on the carpet and
stains on the memory
songs about happiness murmured in dreams
when we both of us knew
how the end always is
how the end always is...
en iyi cure albumüne ismini vermiş şarkı.
1989 tarihli the cure albümü.
(bkz: plainsong)
(bkz: pictures of you)
(bkz: closedown)
(bkz: love song)
(bkz: last dance)
(bkz: lullaby)
(bkz: fascination street)
(bkz: prayers for rain)
(bkz: the same deep water as you)
(bkz: disintegration)
(bkz: homesick)
(bkz: plainsong)
(bkz: pictures of you)
(bkz: closedown)
(bkz: love song)
(bkz: last dance)
(bkz: lullaby)
(bkz: fascination street)
(bkz: prayers for rain)
(bkz: the same deep water as you)
(bkz: disintegration)
(bkz: homesick)
albümde love song, ne hikmetse lovesong olarak geçer. (beetle juice, ghost busters ve the texas chain saw massacre'nin de zaman içinde değişime uğraması gibi, o da love song olmuştur).
en damar the cure albümüdür.ayrıca gelmiş geçmiş en iyi albümlerden biri olarak kabul edilir.fazla dinlenildiğinde derin psikolojik hasarlara yol açabilir.
bugüne kadar sona ermiş bir ilişkiyi tema ya da çıkış noktası olarak benimsemiş birçok popüler albüm görmüştür rock müzik tarihi.
disintegration'ı bunların arasından sıyırıp gelmiş geçmiş en büyük albüm yapan ise o temayı romantize etmekten bir hayli uzak bir şekilde, yabani bir cansızlık suretiyle kendini belli eden o sona yaklaşmış olma gerilimini olabilecek en net biçimde dinleyiciye sunmasıdır. sahip olduğu bu tuhaf yoğunlukla bulutların üzerine çıkmadan da aşkın anlatılabileceğini kanıtlamıştır. kendi dünyamda.
disintegration'ı bunların arasından sıyırıp gelmiş geçmiş en büyük albüm yapan ise o temayı romantize etmekten bir hayli uzak bir şekilde, yabani bir cansızlık suretiyle kendini belli eden o sona yaklaşmış olma gerilimini olabilecek en net biçimde dinleyiciye sunmasıdır. sahip olduğu bu tuhaf yoğunlukla bulutların üzerine çıkmadan da aşkın anlatılabileceğini kanıtlamıştır. kendi dünyamda.
the cure'un lovesong,lullaby,pictures of you,fascination secret gibi hit şarkılarının bi arada bulunduğu albüm.
enteresan bir şarkıdır.ciddi tahribata yol açabilir bireyde.
hareketli ama süründürebilen the cure şarkısı. beyinde over and over and over diye döner.
kesinlikle ve gerçekten bunalımdaysanız dinlememeniz gereken the cure albümüne adını veren şarkı.
adamı atomlarına ayırır...
hey amk...
adamı atomlarına ayırır...
hey amk...
her kelimesinde ayrı can yakan şarkı. tehlikeli bir the cure albümü daha.
(bkz: disintegration is the best album ever)
(bkz: disintegration is the best album ever)
muhteşem bir the cure eseri.
güncel Önemli Başlıklar