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- perva sozlük11
- nihat hatipoğlunu aç nihat hatipoğlunu10
- aykolik sürekli nereye gidiyor21
- başıboş köpek sorunu11
- erkeklerden kızlara tavsiyeler16
- anın görüntüsü15
- 2028 rte balkon konuşması9
- hem regl hem de oruçlu kız22
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- küresel ıkınma20
- v a m p i r o v10
- cadılık eğitimi almak14
- sözlük yazarlarının 2053 yılı hedefleri14
- mhp'nin başına apo geçse olası mhp'li yorumları9
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- instagramı facebooku twitteri olmayan erkek8
- pkk'nın kurucu önderi10
- tesettürümle ak parti den chp'ye geçtim11
- ölünce ne olacak17
- kızlara yürümeme taktikleri9
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- 199911
- atatürkün cenazesinde bulunan nazi subayları13
- sahurdayız uludağ sözlük20
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- bu yaz hayata geçirilecek planlar22
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- küfürlü konuşan kadın10
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- kola vs ayran10
- aykolik bugün nereyi gezdi sorunsalı8
- yazarların son yaptığı yemek11
- hayattan sıkılmak20
- the merich10
- en çok gıdık aldığın bölge11
- kızlar kıllı erkekleri sever mi23
- sahura uyandırayım mı diyip nude atan sözlük kızı10
- sahih hadis kitabı nereden bulunabilir16
- sevgilisi olduğu halde sözlükte takılan kişi11
- okan buruk'un hakemi tehdit ettiği iddiası10
- sıcak su torbası9
- suriye hükümetinin alevileri katletmesi22
- duygularla oynamak14
bir lamb of god şarkısıdır. ashes of the wake albümündendir. girişindeki sözler çok doğrudur.
Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.
Whoever cannot take care of themselves without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant,
'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, You are forgiven.'
Such is the rule of honour.
Broken the paradigm an example must be set
Invoke the Siren's song and sign the death warrant.
This id what has been wrought for 30 pieces of silver
The tongues of men and angels bought by a beloved betrayer.
I am the result what's better left unspoken
Violence begins to mend what was broken
You've been talking, I've been all ears.
Words meant to dwell in darkness shall never see the light of day
Words can be broken, so can bones
Execute the mandate
Mouth full of dirt.
Your name is removed from the registry
St. Peter greets with empty eyes then turns and locks the gate.
I am the result what's better left unspoken
Violence begins to mend what was broken
You've been talking, I've been all ears
Cheaply venal, stupidly verbose
A slip of the tongue, a slit of the throat
Six feet under with no marker
Keep my name from your mouth forever.
Free speech for the living, dead men tell no tales
Your laughing finger will never point again.
Sing for me now.
Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.
Whoever cannot take care of themselves without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant,
'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, You are forgiven.'
Such is the rule of honour.
Broken the paradigm an example must be set
Invoke the Siren's song and sign the death warrant.
This id what has been wrought for 30 pieces of silver
The tongues of men and angels bought by a beloved betrayer.
I am the result what's better left unspoken
Violence begins to mend what was broken
You've been talking, I've been all ears.
Words meant to dwell in darkness shall never see the light of day
Words can be broken, so can bones
Execute the mandate
Mouth full of dirt.
Your name is removed from the registry
St. Peter greets with empty eyes then turns and locks the gate.
I am the result what's better left unspoken
Violence begins to mend what was broken
You've been talking, I've been all ears
Cheaply venal, stupidly verbose
A slip of the tongue, a slit of the throat
Six feet under with no marker
Keep my name from your mouth forever.
Free speech for the living, dead men tell no tales
Your laughing finger will never point again.
Sing for me now.
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